The Portland Gay Men’s Chorus has been closely monitoring the evolving response and guidance from local and national officials regarding COVID-19 (coronavirus). As of this morning, Governor Kate Brown issued new guidance for the state of Oregon which requires us to make a difficult decision.

PGMC is postponing our Reflections concerts on March 21 and 22. We sincerely hoped to present our 40th anniversary concert next weekend, but the safety of our members, volunteers, and audience is most important.

We are working with our venue, Reed College, and vendors to secure a new concert date, which is tentatively set for August 2020. Tickets for our March 21 and 22 concerts will be honored at the future date. Our box office will be reaching out to current ticket buyers to make necessary adjustments to their reservations.

If you were planning on purchasing a ticket to Reflections, please consider making a charitable donation to the Portland Gay Men’s Chorus in lieu of a ticket purchase by clicking here.  Your invaluable support during this time of uncertainty allows organizations like ours to remain a vibrant part of our community.

Please take care of yourselves and others. We look forward to fulfilling our mission of honoring and uplifting our community through eclectic performances again soon. Thank you for your support, patience, and understanding during this challenging time.